Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Myth #58: A better college does not mean alumni are more intelligent.

My blogmate has pushed a series of misguided posts about what he perceives as misconceptions regarding the schooling process. Because he is critical of our flawless schooling system, he is obviously wrong 110% of the time. As a fake teacher, I'm obviously the purfect person to disprove his points. I'm also 110% confident that my conclusive nonsense will be so flawless that nobody will make the mistake of believing his more rational arguments.

We have all heard it. That person must be smart because they went to Harvard. This idea alone, that people think that attending prestigious colleges proves intelligence, should be all the evidence we need that this belief is true.

Think about it for a moment. Democrats, aren't you willing to acknowledge the genius of George W. Bush? Republicans, aren't you willing to acknowledge the genius of Barack Obama? You should because both of these men went to Harvard. That proves that they are both intelligent.

Conversely, people with lesser credentials must be less intelligent. Could you imagine if someone dropped out of high school? These people are stupid. We don't need to know why they dropped out. We just know that because they don't have a piece of paper, they have to be stupid.

Seriously, could you imagine if geniuses like Franklin, Edison, and the Wright brothers lacked credentials? There is absolutely no way that they could have possibly contributed. In fact, they contributed so much that I don't even have to do research to know that they were all Harvard graduates. I dare anyone out there to prove me wrong.

See my idiut blogmate's previously posted inspiration for this brilliunt post.

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