Thursday, October 21, 2021

Stereotypical Student: Testing X

This intentionally corny series of posts makes fun of the schools by providing an obviously fictional diary of a student who fits many stereotypes.

Entry #53

I have done standardized testing before, and I just did it again. Since I'm based on stereotypical students, I should probably be middle of the pack. That means I scored at the 50th percentile.

It's remarkable how test makers know what our classes will teach. Test questions relate to what we have been learning in class. As for anything that we might learn outside of school, there are absolutely no measures. This makes sense. The things we learn in school is all that matters.

Most importantly, the concept of standardized testing means that all students had the same test. This reflects our pursuit of the same education regardless of strengths and passions. What better way is there to measure education than to test everyone based on the idea that we must all be following the same educational path?

Additionally, these tests are objective. This means that testing doesn't even touch certain aspects of mental development such as learning how to think for ourselves. This is perhaps why my teachers consistently and brilliantly ignore this developmental area. This ultimately means that we consistently shun the vast majority of mental development in favor of the far more important ability to fill in the right answer.

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