Sunday, January 3, 2021

Pseudo Teacher Intro

Greetings. My blogmate recently added my pseudo-credentials to this blog. He had viewed the war between schooling and education strictly from an icky pro-education standpoint. My existence on this blog means that the anti-educational... I mean pro-schooling side will finally have a voice.

Who am I? I am a fictional entity influenced by the supposed absurdities of the teaching profession. In all pseudo-honesty, I can't comprehend how anyone can find our god-like profession's beliefs to be absurd. Because I'm not real, I can slightly exaggerate these supposed absurdities. This should really help readers realize we they should pseudo-love our almightiness.

My blogmate informed me that he would forgo a yearly update for changes on this blog. That's because I'm it this year. He did touch on my pseudo-existence when he did his yearly update of his entire online presence. Here's what he wrote:
The War Between Schooling and Education
This is perhaps where my biggest change will occur. I have found someone online that is interested in contributing. I have granted this new user permission on both my Blogger accounts, but it will primarily focus on the education blog.

Ever since I started my blog about the war between schooling and education, I have strictly focused on the pro-education side of the war. This new user will provide counterpoints and take the pro-schooling side. For those who maintain anti-educational/pro-schooling values, don't get too excited. As hinted with a single word in the last paragraph, this contributor I found openly admits to being a fictitious entity. As such, some of its arguments might not be compelling. This user will be introducing itself in a couple of days.
Oddly enough, he followed that up directly with his Twitter update claiming it was "on a related note." Does anybody know what he meant by that? Probably not. If I have teacher-level pseudo-brilliance, how could any non-teacher possibly figure out his pseudo-cryptic message? Here's the full quote.
On a related note, I have been playing around with an idea on Twitter that I hope will make my presence a little less tedious. I have made it a personal rule that I can't explicitly state what I'm doing, but I can lead people to the answer. I have already intentionally embedded a number of clues. If you pay attention, some of these clues should make it incredibly obvious.
Most of my posts on this blog will be in response to my blogmate's ridiculous claims. Expect a series of myths to counter his misconceptions. I will likely also provide some chaser posts to counter his current pro-educational pseudo-nonsense.

I met my blogmate on the internet. He seemed to think that my arguments are so non-brilliant that I could inadvertently reveal the truth... I mean make my side of the issue look bad. Of course, this pseudo-convincing initial post of mine should prove him wrong.

Keep in mind that my blogmate actually believes that allowing children to learn is better for education than systematically destroying the minds of American youth. I'm not making this up. This raises a serious question. Which one of us is really a pseudo-entity, and which one of us is really real?

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