Saturday, July 3, 2021

Myth #35: One of the many problems within our schools has been how much we limit the say that students have in their own educations.

My blogmate has pushed a series of misguided posts about what he perceives as misconceptions regarding the schooling process. Because he is critical of our flawless schooling system, he is obviously wrong 110% of the time. As a fake teacher, I'm obviously the purfect person to disprove his points. I'm also 110% confident that my conclusive nonsense will be so flawless that nobody will make the mistake of believing his more rational arguments.

In some schools, students are expected to fill out teacher evaluation forms. This is an atrocious concept. Students should not have an option to evaluate teachers.

We are the experts. We know what we do right, everything. We know what we do wrong, not getting every demand of ours met. Students have no background whatsoever in their educations. We do. We need to be trusted to make the right decisions for these pawns of our unions.

This obviously doesn't stop at evaluations. No student should ever have a say in any form in his, her, or their own education. After all, we're the ones with the pieces of paper. We're the ones in charge. We know what's best for them. It's just common sense that we don't need them to tell us about what's best for them. Our piece of paper does far more to tell us what each and every child needs far better than the children.

We need to continue to throw away anything that someone says on their own behalf. Keep in mind that unlike the world's purfect profession, students are biased. They might say things that deviate from our union's agenda. They might even think for themselves. The culture of fear (that doesn't really exist) can only suppress so much. Some students are willing to risk our compassionate wrath to share the truth... I mean their unconscionable non-conformist viewpoints. We can't allow these sub-humans to have a voice, especially if that voice makes us look bad.

See my idiut blogmate's previously posted inspiration for this brilliunt post.

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