Monday, August 5, 2024

The underlying disaster

Have you heard all the stories about Republicans trying to control education? This is like something straight out of the Democrats' playbook. The Democrats have been using the schools for decades as a means of controlling future voters.

Fighting back against the Republicans isn't going to fix anything. Right now, we have a battle between the Democrats and Republicans over the schools. Stopping the Republicans means that Democrats would have exclusive control.

There's a reason that authoritarian governments overwhelmingly embrace the power to control and restrict education. Having that power allows them to manipulate the public. As long as that power exists, corrupt politicians will try to exploit it.

We need to stop fighting over which political party controls our schools. This isn't going to fix the big problem. We never should have given the government this kind of power to begin with.

Let's stop fixating on symptoms of a very serious problem. If you don't want Republicans to control schools, you shouldn't hand that power to the Democrats. Instead, we need to go after the root of the problem. We need to bring an end to the government's power to control and restrict education.

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