Saturday, January 1, 2022

Blog update 2021 from Pseudo Teacher

My blogmate and I decided to do things a little differently this year. He took the responsibility to explain changes for the upcoming year on his personal blog. He was stoopid enough to hand the responsibility to me for his education blog.

In all fairness to his stoopidity, he gave this opportunity to me when there wasn't a whole lot to say. His update mentioned that posts will be made on a different schedule. Since the schedule of that awful website is closely related to this site, you will see something similar here.

Perhaps the biggest difference you will see is that I just don't have it in me to address every stoopid misconception that he has written. My series on myths being perpetrated by that reptilian liar will be on hold. What does that mean to you? This website will likely see a shift towards the evil pro-education side of the war between schooling and education. I will likely still post responses to some of his stoopidity, but my presence will unfortunately be diminished.

Since my idiut blogmate posted about his presence beyond his blog, I might as well show him up by doing the same. I don't have as much of an online presence, but I do have an account on the ultra-conservative Twitter. In short, my awesome presence will continue. I might start injecting my views on why my blogmate is always wrong prior to the end of his threads. This should in no way be viewed as setting him up for comebacks that he already prepared.

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