Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Myth #47: A college degree should not trump personality and ability

My blogmate has pushed a series of misguided posts about what he perceives as misconceptions regarding the schooling process. Because he is critical of our flawless schooling system, he is obviously wrong 110% of the time. As a fake teacher, I'm obviously the purfect person to disprove his points. I'm also 110% confident that my conclusive nonsense will be so flawless that nobody will make the mistake of believing his more rational arguments.

A surprising controversy emerged when the first lady referred herself in a manner that makes it perfectly clear that she is superior to you. Instead of lying about her name, she boasted that she is Dr. Jill Biden. Some people dared to complain about her humbly demanding that we acknowledge that a piece of paper proves she's better than you.

Credentials are a clearly flawless measure of who we are as people. The higher-level credentials we have, the better we are as people. This means that if we buy a higher degree, we magically improve in areas such as personality. Since my pseudo-existence was based on stereotypical teachers, that means I have a Master's Degree. This alone makes me better than a large majority real-world humans and humanoids, and I demand that anyone with less must view me as a superior entity.

In the past, we had established the following classes:
  • Sub-Human: Lacking a high school diploma
  • Human: High school graduate
  • Super-Human: College Graduate
  • Super-Super-Human: Doctor

This has obviously changed, and it has almost nothing to do with supposed credential inflation. And in case we can get "free" college, I should date this for the expectation of more changes that have almost nothing to do with inevitable... I mean supposed credential inflation. The class system in use as of 2/3/21 can be seen below:
  • Sub-Human: Lacking a college degree
  • Human: College Graduate
  • Super-Human: Graduate with a Master's Degree
  • Super-Super-Human: Doctor

There's one thing clear about my personal embrace of these classes. Everyone with a degree is better than everyone else. This is in every single manner, including those that schooling doesn't even try to measure. If you're lower on the scale than I am, you have no right to disagree with me. This is because you are inferior according to me, and therefore you must accept that you are inferior. And if you're still not convinced, all you need to do as look at the incredible depth of my reasoning. 

What if someone is strong in one area and weak in another? That's obviously impossible. Look at me as an example. I have an advanced degree, so I'm obviously great at everything such as grammaring and speling.

As for Dr. Jill Biden, she is obligated to say that she is better than you. This is much like how I'm obligated to say that I'm superior to all you humans and sub-humans.

Nothing can trump the value of a degree because a degree is everything. Our precious paper is the lone flawless measure of who we are as people, which we all know is highly objective. Anyone with less than a college degree is sub-human. You can't be a good human without that degree. In fact, you can't even rise to the level of human without that degree.

See my blogmate's previously posted inspiration for this brilliunt post.

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