Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Misconception #112: Teachers need to mold children's minds

Over the years, I have been writing about misconceptions regarding the schooling process. The purpose of these posts is to explain why I disagree with various comments that I have heard people make about schooling. These are meant as personal thoughts rather than conclusive proof, and I will admit that I'm not always the best at explaining my thoughts. Regardless, I have decided that I should be willing to share these posts when I encounter someone online who makes an argument that I have already discussed.

Some things that teachers brag about can be downright despicable when you take the time to think about what they mean. Among these is the idea that teachers shape or mold minds.

I'm an individualist. I believe that we all have unique strengths and weaknesses. As such, I am a big supporter of mental diversity. This means that what we think and believe is variable. It also means that how we think should be variable.

Molding or shaping minds indicates that teachers believe that all children should be following the same mental pursuits. It's the idea that who children are is manipulated by a common influence. It's a strong indication that teachers are pushing conformity. Simply put, molding or shaping minds diminishes what make each and every child unique.

It's actually quite difficult to understand how this emerged as an argument in favor of teachers. It isn't even spin. Even the way they word it, this is completely inexcusable. It's a despicable thought that we have somehow been conditioned to view as a positive. Government workers manipulating minds is a definitive negative. These minds don't belong to them. They belong to the children.

It's difficult to explain how horrible this claim is because of how ridiculously stupid it is. How am I supposed to respond to teachers bragging about how they shape and mold the minds of children? My best response would have to be that teachers openly state that they use their position of influence to shape and mold the minds of your children. I guess teachers are successful at shaping and molding minds because people are accepting this disgusting statement as a positive.

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