Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Who wouldn't want to find a way to get the schools to work?

We portray the schools as a magical process that will fix all of society's problems. If this is the case, it makes sense to support the schools. Who wouldn't want them to succeed? There's just one problem. None of this is rooted in reality.

As an example, let's look at the ability to think. The schools are portrayed as vital to the development of the thought process. In reality, they train students to turn to their teachers to provide their thoughts. Independent thought can and frequently does interfere with the process. Success in school ultimately demands abandonment of thought.

I could discuss other issues that the schools claim to fix but actually harm, but I would rather get to the point. Supporting the schools will not fix the problems that the schools claim to fix.

Of course, lying about the ability to fix all of society's problems has been a terrific PR move for the schools. They don't have to be successful in fixing any problems as long as people are convinced that it's possible. This skews perceptions of the mindless masses who want easy fixes. Unfortunately, these fixes are absolute nonsense. It doesn't matter how much we support the schools. They will always be detrimental to society.

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