Thursday, January 19, 2017

Is teaching the most violent profession?

I have already called teaching the world's most corrupt, arrogant, anti-educational, mentally destructive, and unhealthy profession. Let's see if I can add another "most." Is teaching the world's most violent profession?

Technically speaking, this question needs some clarification. What qualifies as violent? If you take actions that cause mental instability that could lead others to violence, does that qualify? In all honesty, I don't think so. While you can argue that teachers indirectly cause violence, they do not engage in violence themselves.

I have already explained that schooling can have potentially lethal consequences. That doesn't make them violent, it makes them dangerous. Since the schools' harm is mental and emotional rather than physical, I will have to settle for a lesser "most." Teaching has got to be the world's most dangerous profession.

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