Saturday, December 19, 2015

Potentially lethal consequences

When it comes to our schooling system, I frequently talk about the mental harm that the process causes. I have referred to the process as mental genocide. Some people might not worry about that sort of thing. Mental destruction is not as bad as physical destruction, and it's not like the schools are ending lives. I have some bad news. Mental and emotional problems can cross to the physical world.

I read a study once that the most likely time for school-aged children to commit suicide in the hours immediately after school. I have a hard time believing that is coincidence. When you are causing mental harm, and someone follows up with that harm by killing themselves, it seems highly probable that the mental harm was a factor.

Another potential problem with mental harm is that it can cause children to snap in unpredictable ways. In some cases, children might become violent toward others. Personally, I found myself instinctively taking deep breaths to calm myself on numerous occasions while enduring my teachers' emotional abuse. Others don't handle things as well. Periodically, we hear of a school shooting. What do all of those shootings have in common? The shooter has personal ties to the school that is being targeted.

School shootings have resulted in some odd debates. Democrats blames gun access and video games. Republicans blame gun-free zones. Neither side seems willing to discuss the possibility that a student's personal ties to the schools could have played any role in the incidents.

Another problem with the mental harm caused by the schools is that mental health problems can linger. Even if children do not lose their lives during their school years, that does not mean that the schools were not factors when people die. If people's lives don't go very well, it takes less for them to lose control of themselves. Murders and suicides by adults can potentially be linked to instability that was initially caused during the adult's school years.

Not every threat caused by the schools is due to emotional abuse. There are other ways for the schools to mess with people's heads that can cause serious problems. One example of this is physical education. Obesity has been on the rise because we are training kids that sports are more about obligation than enjoyment. When kids no longer have the obligation, they have no longer have a reason to continue physical activity. Of course, I have already explained this problem. Obesity has become a major preventable cause of death in America, and the schools can easily be tied to the problem.

You could also come up with less obvious examples where the schools can put their students at risk. The schools train children to rely on others to tell them what to think. If children embrace that message but trust their friends more than their teachers, they become more vulnerable to peer pressure and drug abuse. The schools also promote selfishness. When people only think of themselves without any concerns whatsoever for those around them, they can become legitimate threats. Have you seen how people drive these days?

More than likely, it will be possible to connect the schools to my eventual death. I have stated that the two biggest threats to my life are murder by teacher (or sympathizer to the profession) and stress. Let me start with the easier of the two to explain. If I ever find a voice in education, someone with strong ties to the schools might try to silence me. The beliefs that the schools try to force would be a factor in such an incident.

The schools have turned America into a conform-or-die nation. You need money to survive, and nobody wants to hire someone who does not fit the rigid mold created by our schools. I have lived the bulk of my life suppressing who I really am because this is the only way that I have been able to get and keep a job. In public, I have been living my life as someone I hate. I can assure you that there are serious drawbacks to living your life as someone you hate out of fear for your survival. This is part of the reason that I have repeatedly referred to my life as deceptively stressful.

I could come up with a bunch of different scenarios where I can tie the schools to someone's death. Let me simplify things here. Someone losing a life as a direct consequence of schooling is rare, but it is actually very common for the schools to play a role in someone's demise.

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