Saturday, June 11, 2016

Schooling and the 8th amendment

Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
I probably can't provide a solid argument that the schools contradict the 8th amendment, but there is at least a component that I want to explore, cruel and unusual punishment.

In many ways, the mental harm caused by our schools can be considered cruel. As I have stated before, I view schooling as mental genocide. I think that qualifies.

There's one slight problem. The constitution prohibits cruel AND UNUSUAL punishment. Schooling clearly does not qualify as an unusual punishment, especially since this destructive environment is forced on innocent children in most countries. Even when it's not forced, governments tend to push children into government-run schools.

A question can be raised as to whether or not cruel acts from foreign countries can open the door for similar cruel acts in America. Ultimately, I do not believe that our schools violate the 8th amendment. I still wanted to bring it up since an argument can certainly be raised that cruelty in foreign countries should not be used to defend cruelty in ours.

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