Friday, February 21, 2014

Gradual Depth 5

As a personal project, I have decided to take a simple sentence and gradually expand on it in an attempt to explain and eventually detail my educational beliefs. This project can be seen as a series of blog posts in the Gradual Depth series.


We are all born with a natural desire to learn. We should all embrace that desire. We should enable and assist the learning process of others and take responsibility for our own learning. We should avoid placing educational restriction on ourselves or others. We should not mistreat or discriminate against variable forms of learning. We should never tell others not to learn.


As I planned in Gradual Depth 4, the latest update to my text is the rewording of what I had already written.

Updated text

Every single person is born with a natural desire to learn. It is in our best interests to embrace that desire and take responsibility for our own learning. We also need to look beyond ourselves and support others when they embrace that same desire. We can act as educational resources, and they can return the favor.

Along with the good, it would be best if we also addressed the bad. There are a lot of people who look down on those who learn outside of traditional methods. It benefits nobody to mistreat or discriminate against those who learn in alternative manners. Among the most inexcusable acts is to tell people not to learn.

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