Tuesday, February 25, 2025

My worst enemies

I have long insisted that I wouldn't wish the government-controlled model of schooling on my worst enemies. Let's put that to the test. I need to find someone who I can't stand and see if I could support that person going through those awful schools.

I am definitely not a social creature. It's too restrictive to only select enemies that I have dealt with personally. Instead, I'm going to use the downright despicable Randi Weingarten as my example. For those who don't know, Randi Weingarten is a hyperpartisan hack who will do or say whatever it takes to help the Democratic party. This includes aggressively spreading political misinformation and labeling everyone whose views deviate even a little from mindless liberal conformity as extremists. As a secondary role, she is also the president of the AFT, an anti-child hate group with immense power to manipulate children for political reasons.

Would I want someone as despicable as Randi Weingarten to be trapped in the same kind of schools that I grew up in? Actually, I think she did. Look at how she turned out. Perhaps if she had the right to learn elsewhere, she would have become a decent human being. Perhaps that would have kept her from becoming such a vile woman and aggressive propaganda spreader.

Sure, Weingarten has proven that it’s possible to succeed when the government controls an individual's education, but is that enough? What about ability? Perhaps if she had learned free from government constraints, she would be capable of contributing more to society than just vitriol.

I can't stand Randi Weingarten. That said, I don't think there's any question that she deserved better than what the government did to her. Everybody deserves better. Let me repeat myself. I wouldn't wish those schools on anyone, even my worst enemies.

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