Monday, February 17, 2025

In all fairness to the NEA and AFT

The NEA and AFT were never supposed to represent students. They were created to represent teachers. What's best for students and what's best for teachers do not always align. When they have to choose between the two, the NEA and AFT will always side with teachers.

Teachers have been trained to perform their job duties within the context of the conventional schooling model. This model was built on top of a blatantly anti-educational foundation. What would happen if we made a serious and honest effort to fix our nation's educational crisis? Teachers entrenched in the conventional schooling model would likely struggle with the transition. Many would lose their jobs.

The NEA and AFT would not be doing their jobs if they allowed their members to be fired. Instead, they must protect these jobs, even if this is not what's best for the students. In this regard, the antics of these unions actually make a lot of sense.

Before I go further, I want to provide a quick reminder. Teachers overwhelmingly take education for granted. They boast about the value of their work, but they never bother to actually look into the consequences of their actions. They might have good intentions, but they are ultimately doing far more harm than good to future generations.

Don't misinterpret this post as support for the NEA and AFT. Given a choice between the best interests of future generations and protecting the jobs of people who are educationally harmful without realizing it, it should be obvious which side I'm taking. I'm siding with future generations.

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