Monday, June 24, 2024

What overschooling has gotten us

We are living in the most heavily schooled era in the history of humanity. Teachers themselves are openly insisting that they are molding minds of 90% of the population. There is no question that over schooling has had a substantial impact on the modern world. What has that gotten us?

We are living in an era of mindless conformity. People have developed a fear of thought. This can be connected to the right-wrong culture promoted by the schools. Since schools openly threaten futures, students fear the consequences of being wrong, even when it comes to such things as personal opinions.

This fear of thought has inhibited the development of new ideas. We are historically stagnant. Although some progress that was set into motion decades ago has been slowed rather than ended, our rate of progress has become an embarrassment. It seems like the only idea we've had over the last couple of decades that nobody anticipated is wheeled hoverboards.

The American media has fully taken advantage of the dumbing down of society. There are no mainstream media outlets right now that even try to provide objective information. They all align with one of the two major political parties, and they won't hesitate to lie for the sake of pushing an agenda. This has led to an informational crisis. When combined with our excruciatingly slow rate progress, I think it's safe to say that we are living through the second dark age.

As we have trained citizens from a young age to show obedience to authoritarian figures, our country has unsurprisingly become more authoritarian. The more time people spend in schools, the more supportive they seem to be of authoritarianism. During the COVID-19 pandemic, some of these heavily schooled individuals actually complained that our response wasn't authoritarian enough.

These same people have embraced extreme intolerance. Anyone with a different viewpoint must be cancelled. Even employers must be held accountable if they don't fire employees with a different viewpoint. In the case of Democrats, they are actively turning against their own if they are not 100% in line with their party's platform. This seems reasonable to them because mental diversity is almost non-existent in their party.

Schools use emotional abuse as a motivational tool. When we get out of school, we must deal with extreme intolerance. Anyone who maintains any degree of individuality will be unjustly deprived of opportunities. This can create financial hardship in addition to widespread mistreatment. This has led us into a mental health crisis.

The government has convinced parents to hand over their children to government workers to raise their children. These government workers are openly boasting that they are using their authoritarian influence to mold minds. This is like something straight out of dystopian fiction. What has this gotten us? A society that could very well be classified as dystopian. The solution to this problem is not to push the same ideas even harder. We need meaningful change. We need the right to pursue an education away from the influence of our corrupt government. We need to scale back rather than strengthen the government's control over what should be considered a fundamental human right.

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