Monday, June 17, 2024

What if we treated doctors the same way teachers demand to be treated?

Teachers love comparing themselves to doctors. They insist on being treated more like doctors despite enormous differences between the professions. Teachers have it a lot better than they think. Just imagine if we treated doctors the same way teachers wanted to be treated.

Teachers love boasting about their expertise. Because they are the experts, they tell students how they learn rather than listen. They are required to accommodate plans from other experts, but teachers will not listen to students. This is because the students don't know enough about education.

This would be like a doctor accepting a list of allergies shared by other doctors but refusing to listen to a patient's symptoms. After all, the patients aren't experts. What would they know about their own symptoms?

Teachers would never accept the right of families to sue over maleducation. If they should be treated more like doctors, I guess malpractice lawsuits shouldn't exist. If teachers want to be treated as infallible, perhaps we should do the same with doctors. If a doctor amputates the wrong limb, we should be just as accepting as a teacher pushing an approach to education that is devastating to a child's mental health.

Because teachers are infallible, a lot of problems are blamed on the students. It's their fault that they don't learn in a manner that matches the teacher's approach. If a doctor amputates the wrong limb, perhaps we should blame the patient for needing the wrong limb amputated.

A common practice among teachers is to blame underfunding for their wrongdoing. If we applied this same mindset to doctors, mistakes that currently lead to malpractice lawsuits would instead lead to continuous increases in funding. This would mean that the only consequence for wrongdoing is more money going into the system, just like we're already doing for the money pits known as schools. The worse doctors become, the more expensive health care would become.

Teachers may have accountability to bureaucrats to ensure compliance with laws, but they have absolutely no accountability to the people they are supposed to serve. Imagine that mindset for doctors. As long as they meet the requirements of the government, it doesn't matter how bad they are at their jobs. Does anyone honestly want that? I know I don't.

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