Friday, September 16, 2022

Higher Calling™

My idiut blogmate had given me permission to defend the kinds of teacher brilliunce that teachers love to repeat over and over and over. As I have already explained, these are not clichés. They are copy-and-paste saying that become wittier every single time that we mindlessly parrot them. That's why I want to take the time to defend these non-clichés in a manner that shouldn't make you sick of hearing them over and over and over similar to how we sound to my blogmate who is sick of hearing them over and over and over. I'm not kidding. He is legitimately sick of hearing these non-clichés over and over and over.

Today's witty copy-and-paste parroted non-cliché: Higher Calling™

Teaching is a Higher Calling™. As a Higher Calling™, we are better than those who are not a part of a Higher Calling™. Our unions will confirm that our Higher Calling™ is indeed a Higher Calling™.

Even though some who aren't part of our Higher Calling™ don't like our Higher Calling™ referring to our Higher Calling™ as a Higher Calling™, our Higher Calling™ should refer to our Higher Calling™ as a Higher Calling™ to ensure that those who are not a part of our Higher Calling™ can understand that our Higher Calling™ is indeed a Higher Calling™. If you are one of the idiuts who doesn't understand how our Higher Calling™ qualifies as a Higher Calling™, just take our Higher Calling's™ word that it's a Higher Calling™. As a Higher Calling™, it should be clear that our Higher Calling™ knows better than those who are not in our Higher Calling™. What do those of us in this Higher Calling™ have to say to those outside of our Higher Calling™? You must accept that our Higher Calling™ is definitely a Higher Calling™. You can trust our Higher Calling™ that we are a Higher Calling™ because we are a Higher Calling™.

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