Monday, July 18, 2022


I had been taking a break from this blog, but my idiut blogmate recently approached me with an opportunity. He just finished a series and was wondering if I would be interested in taking over that slot from him.

I initially declined this offer. As a fake teacher, I have absolutely no ideas of my own. Then he gave me an idea for a series. I could explain how my Higher Calling™ that is clearly For the Children™ does not resort to repeating tired old clichés over and over and over.

Yes, there are things us teachers repeat over and over and over and over again. These things we say over and over and over aren't clichés. These are truths that we say over and over and over. My goal will be to explain how nothing we say over and over and over about our Great Equalizer™ that is a Cornerstone of Democracy™ qualifies as a cliché. In no way will I just be repeating things over and over and over again to show how people can get sick of hearing the exact same things over and over and over again.

All of this really comes down to the stoopidity of my blogmate. He hates expressions that he hears over and over and over. Despite his claims that saying things over and over and over gets stale, repeating things in this intro over and over and over will not convince anyone to hate me saying things over and over and over. In fact, saying things over and over and over will become more clever as we continue saying things over and over and over.

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