Saturday, May 14, 2022

Fluid education

I disconnect my thought process from outside influences more than most people. There are complications to this. Among them is that I have developed my own terminology.

If you have visited my blog before, you might have noticed some of my terminology. You also might have seen something where I talk about an open and fluid learning environment in contrast to the controlled and rigid environment that makes up the foundation for conventional schooling. Perhaps it would be best if I explained what I mean when I discuss the fluidity of education.

In short, fluid learning is the opposite of rigid learning. To expand on this concept, most learning is expected to occur at specific times in a specific order in a specific way. Fluid learning means you can learn at your own pace. You can take a break from a subject if you have a stronger desire to learn something else. There is no set curriculum. Your education is in your control, and there's nothing to hold you back from pursuing your own educational interests.

I have been highly critical of the schools' insistence that all children must pursue the same education. A fluid education means that children can instead pursue the educations that are right for them. As an individualist, fluidity is far more logical than rigidity. That is why I keep insisting that we need to move away from rigidity in favor of a more fluid environment.

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