Saturday, September 18, 2021

If the schools are wrong

Years ago, my idiut blogmate posted an argument that schooling would be problematic even if we were right. That's obviously a ridiculous argument since we are right and there are no problems with our purfect system. Like other brilliunt posts of mine, I feel like I need to counter his views. Don't worry, I will keep this shorter than my blogmate's post.

What if the schools are wrong? We all know that this is impossible, but imagine for a moment that human progress would have been possible prior to the invention of schooling? What if people do not learn in identical manners? What if our opinions were variable?

As you can see, all of this talk about schooling not being vital to absolutely everything is complete nonsense. All progress throughout human history has been dependent on schools, even before schools were created. Because we don't embrace individualism, we know that everyone is identical. There is only one acceptable opinion on each issue, and that's the opinion we force on our students.

If we are wrong, then that would mean teachers are impurfect. This is clearly not true. I shouldn't even have to write this, but my blogmate ticked me off by sharing an alternative perspective.

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