Sunday, September 6, 2020

Fun with Excel: Credentialism IV

My next goal on this series of credentialism-related Excel experiments is to show schooling in its best form against the ideal. I have created another spreadsheet. This time, I'm looking at how schooling combines with potential. In other words, how close can people get to their potential based of the combination of their potential in a subject and their ability to learn in a schooling environment.

This spreadsheet can be found at: Credentialism IV.xlsx

In this model, I'm using simple multiplication. The idea behind this is that someone without any potential in a subject will not succeed regardless of schooling ability. Those who have potential will not succeed in school if they are not good at learning through the schooling process. In order to totally max out potential, they would need to have the maximum potential and the maximum ability to learn in school. Using multiplication between the two stats will result in the following: 0% * 100% = 0%, 100% * 0% = 0%, 100% * 100% = 100%. From there, I only counted individuals who would exceed 50% as credentialed.

Under this model, the value of credentialism is diminished. The breakdowns are getting a little more confusing, so let me try to explain them. Top 50 (Ideal) shows the stats if everyone reaches their potential of the 50 people who would most be interested in a job (based on the Interest column). Qualify within Top 50 (Ideal) shows the stats of those who are both among the 50 most interested and could exceed 50% if they reached their full potential. Credentialed within Top 50 shows the skill levels of those who could reach a skill of 50% or more within this credentialed approach. Top 10 no signal (Ideal) shows the potential skill of the 10 most interested. Top 10 qualified (Ideal) shows the potential skill for the 10 most interested among those who would exceed 50%. Top 10 credentialed shows the skills of the 10 most interested among those who would be credentialed in this model.

I threw in one more category, 10 most skilled in top 50 (Ideal). In this category, I show a combination of the ideal skill development and the ideal filter. Within the top 50, I look for the top 10 in potential. All numbers in this category exceed the credentialed approach.

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