Thursday, August 15, 2019

Misconception #97: Schools are doing far more good than harm

Over the years, I have been writing about misconceptions regarding the schooling process. The purpose of these posts is to explain why I disagree with various comments that I have heard people make about schooling. These are meant as personal thoughts rather than conclusive proof, and I will admit that I'm not always the best at explaining my thoughts. Regardless, I have decided that I should be willing to share these posts when I encounter someone online who makes an argument that I have already discussed.

Are the schools doing enough good for the amount we're investing in them? That has become the primary question people use to debate the merits of our schools, although that is typically not the wording used. The pro-schooling crowd insists that we are getting a good value now and that we would see a bigger return on our investments (using flimsy logic) if we increased funding. Most people who are critical of the schools insist that the schools should be able to provide more for less.

In most cases, debates about our schools focus on the supposed good they are performing. Even most critics rely on the good they expect. This dialogue makes it sound as though the schools are not doing anything harmful to students. In reality, the schools are doing far more harm than good.

Our schooling system has been devastating to mental health. Teachers are emotionally abusive and promote a culture of fear. Most students are too afraid to deviate from a mold that nobody fits. Have you seen how suicide statistics for school-aged children corresponds with schooling?

If you take a broader look at the society that schooling created, you should be able to find more signs of harm. Our rate of progress has seen a substantial decline, and nobody seems capable of contributing any legitimately new ideas. There are reasons that I insist that we are living in the most mindless conformist era in the history of humanity.

We need to raise awareness of the harm being caused by our schools. Even the critics don't want to think that children are being harmed. Personally, I am far more concerned with the bad than the idea that there isn't enough good. Schooling can be incredibly dangerous. In some cases, they can have lethal consequences. It's not doing anybody any good to downplay the negative consequences of schooling.

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