Monday, February 12, 2018

Underestimating the cost of college

Is college worth it? We keep hearing that question, and the responses all seem to follow a pattern. Regardless of whether or not people feel college is worth it, all arguments stick to the financial aspects.

There are other issues that need to be considered when establishing the costs and value of college. Students are not just investing money. They are investing time and effort. In the process, students are expected to abandon the unique traits that make them special. In many cases, a collegiate experience can devastate an individual's mental health.

I spent a year in the Running Start program. This program allows high school students to take classes at a community college to gain both college and high school credit. Even though my attendance was funded by taxpayers, I can honestly say that the experience was not worth what I put into it. It became clear in a hurry that colleges demand the same mindlessness as high school. I am not content with living a mindless lifestyle.

As soon as I finished high school, I unreluctantly insisted that I was completely finished with my schooling. Even a free ride would have been too high of a price to justify. In order for someone like me to succeed in college, I would be required to give up everything that I like about myself. Demanding self-betrayal is far greater cost to me than whether or not I could make more money.

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