Thursday, April 11, 2013

Whatever the schools touch

Technology was moving so fast. Then the schools created computer classes. Progress has drastically declined.

For a while, video game development actually supported staff that lacked a college degree. I miss those days. Video games have lost their charm.

Did you know that there are schools that teach screenplay writing? Have you seen the movies made over the last decade? What happened?

I actually heard once that the entertainment industry has calculated the proper timing for jokes in sitcoms. I don’t know who came up with the calculation or who decided to enforce it, but that doesn’t seem like it was developed by the creative community. I would be shocked if the schools haven’t played a role. By the way, there aren’t any good sitcoms any more.

Sports used to be entertaining. Schools have tried to take over sports. This is especially noticeable at the high school and college levels. Instead of creative athletes who love the games they play, we have to endure watching technical work by people who only play because they were told that they were good at it. Sports have deteriorated when it comes to entertainment value.

What do all of these things have in common? They are all professions that don’t really need schooling, but are increasingly relying on the process. The schools destroy everything that they ever touch.

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