Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The world's most arrogant profession

Teachers are quick to point out their value to society. They portray themselves as single handedly responsible for all that is right in the world. We must provide them with the utmost respect because they have a higher calling. They are better than you, and they won't hesitate to tell you.

Actually, they are not better than you. Believe it or not, we would not turn into a crime-ridden society filled with illiterate imbeciles who can do not good without them. In fact, some of the things they praise themselves for doing are not actually because of them. For example, teachers train students to turn to others to dictate what they know. This has created a society that lacks independent thought despite their insistence that they are developing minds. Without them, we would actually be less likely to have a society full of imbeciles.

If you learn something, your teachers won't hesitate to take credit. This is regardless of how you learn, and it has brought a rise to the absurd cliche, "If you can read this, thank your teachers." I'm not going to repeat the common sense reasoning to reject this cliche, but let me make one thing clear. When someone teaches himself how to read, teachers will try to take full credit.

Teachers are also quick to point out how professions such as doctors currently rely on the teaching profession. While it is true that the only honorable option to enter such a profession right now is the single rigid path through our schools, there are other ways that people could potentially develop those skills. Even so, teachers tout how they are better than doctors because doctors need them. Everything good in the world is because of their higher calling.

Ultimately, all of this comes down to perception. Teachers don't care about doing any good in this world. They care far more about being perceived as doing good. This is not about the children they are harming. It's about convincing others to look up to them. The only people they truly care about are themselves.

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