Sunday, December 21, 2014

Schooling and slavery

I view modern-day Americans as mental slaves. I blame the schools. They train us to let authority figures dictate what we think and believe. Our lives are ultimately controlled by others. While this is not the same thing as ownership, there are parallels between the era with physical slaves and the modern world.

In addition to the control others have over our lives and the little control we have over our own, there are other similarities with physical slavery. Among these similarities is that we are conditioned to be tolerant of the practice. One things that I have been saying for years is that one of the core causes of slavery has never been corrected. People still don't think for themselves, and we are vulnerable to widely accepted mistakes.

Looking back, most people struggle to comprehend how anyone could have believed that slavery was a good idea. Mental slavery is very similar. People who take a good hard look at our schools can see that we are setting up children for lives as mental slaves. Very few people look.

People who do not take education for granted know that the schools pushing mental slavery is unacceptable. Since we are indoctrinated with pro-schooling propaganda our entire lives, most people take education for granted. Most people accept mental slavery without even acknowledging that mental slavery exists. If we ever move forward and break the illusion, we will look back and wonder how we could have ever been so stupid to support mental slavery and the schools that pushed the process.

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