Thursday, September 11, 2014

Educational motivators

What drives people to pursue an education? Through most of history, there have been two primary motivators, necessity and curiosity. Thanks to the schools, those two are being displaced by emotional abuse.

Before the schools became mainstream, a lot of people were properly educated. This was because they had the motivation. Resources is another factor in education that hasn't been as reliable. This was always a more significant difference in the rich and poor than accessibility of schooling.

Necessity is what assures us that we have the most important skills. This is the real reason that we learn to read and write. This is why we force ourselves on two legs when we learn to walk. The need to communicate is how we develop the ability to talk, which is more fundamental than reading and writing.

Curiosity is what expands our interests beyond the core. It's how we learn things that were previously unknown. It's how we develop stronger understandings of our strongest interests. It's also an enemy of the schools since curiosity can distract students from the material that teachers are trying to provide. There are reasons that younger children seem to have a stronger sense of curiosity than adults.

As I keep saying, the schools are absolutely reliant on emotional abuse as their primary motivational tool. They tell children that their entire futures will be destroyed if they don't do as they are told. This is highly unhealthy.

I'm certainly in favor of opening up education beyond a restrictive schooling environment. I would much rather embrace necessity and curiosity than continue down our emotionally destructive path. Can someone please answer a question for me. Why is it so much more important to abuse children than to satisfy their curiosity?

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