Friday, March 23, 2012

The Effects of Schooling

We are always being told about all of the benefits of schooling. Since a supermajority of the current population has had extensive exposure to the process, perhaps we should take a good hard look at what the schools have already done for us.

According to the schools, they develop minds, improve quality of life, and even help reduce crime rates. What changes have corresponded to our increased reliance of the schooling process? We have gotten far more mindless, everybody seems miserable, and people are no longer willing to leave anything unlocked.

Can that be right? If the schools’ claims are valid, we should have seen the opposite trends. Okay, maybe I didn’t establish schooling as a cause. Just don’t look any harder at the schools if you want to maintain the illusion that all of this is just a coincidence.

The reality is that schooling has been absolutely catastrophic to society. The evidence is actually easy to find through history, observation, and common sense. I’m not going to detail every little detail right here and right now. In short, the schools were designed to prevent education, introduce government control over our lives, and vilify anyone who fails to conform. These are values that are visible to anyone who is willing to take a look. The problems with the schools are obvious enough that I shouldn’t even have to explain them. I should probably continue blogging even though my words would ideally be unnecessary.

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