Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Discipline Defense

Teachers and their supporters have developed numerous defenses that have become overused. These defenses almost seem conditioned due to their tendency to show up just about every time that they encounter the appropriate trigger.


The discipline defense is usually triggered by arguments regarding such things as the work ethic of students and failure to complete schoolwork.


Ever since we stopped allowing teachers to discipline students by physically beating them into submission, students will not do the work that is expected of them. Undisciplined children are at risk of not becoming products of the schools.


The abuse did not actually stop. It merely transformed from physical into emotional abuse. The argument also relies on the idea that schoolwork is vital to society. While we do openly discriminate against those who are not mindless products of the schools, we would be far better off if we could develop individual strengths rather than sacrifice ourselves to the schools. I should also point out that this is a classic example of teachers blaming their problems on their students.

Related Misconception:

Misconception #16: Getting rid of the paddle was a mistake

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