Monday, June 6, 2011

Expecting 100%

In elementary and middle school, I got pretty good grades. In math, I was nearly perfect. When I entered middle school, We were forced to take a test to determine what we learned in elementary school. Absolutely everything in the test seemed easy to me. I felt that anything less than a perfect score was unacceptable. When I got the results back, I missed two. That couldn’t be right. I knew the material too well.

At the end of the year, we had to take the exact same test again. Like before, everything seemed easy. I had to receive a perfect score this time. Again, I missed two problems. I was so confident that I had answered all of the questions correctly that I started questioning the test. I missed two both times that I had taken it. There had to have been a couple of mistakes in the test.

While it seems kind of stupid that I was forced to repeat a test that I passed on my first try, two was the limit for my school. My frustration with imperfection lasted until I bumped into someone who received a score of 100%. I asked about it. Apparently, they had corrected a couple mistakes on the test. That’s how he got the score that I felt that I had deserved.

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