When I served my time in our mental prison system, my teachers would push a seemingly innocent song. The excessive repetition makes it impossible to forget the lyrics, "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands." This song has come up in other places as well such as sporting events and commercials.
When we were taught this song, we weren't told to properly examine our feelings and only clap if we were happy. We were trained to act as though we were happy and clap along regardless of how we really felt. The song was never about happiness. It was about obedience.
Our teachers would give us a command, and we were expected to obey. This fits very well with one of my repeated criticisms of schools. They are training citizens to show obedience to authoritarian figures. The only activity I remember that more directly promoted mindless obedience was Simon Says.
I don't usually make references in my blog posts, but this horrible song comes off as something out of Pinky and the Brain. For those who don't know, the Brain is a lab mouse who is trying to take over the world. It seems like he could have a chance to succeed if he just changes the lyrics. "If you're happy and you know it, obey the Brain."
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