Sunday, March 31, 2024

The real reason Democrats want "free" community colleges

Did you know that I attended a community college? It turned out to be the exact same mind-numbing environment as high school. I couldn't handle the mindlessness demanded from me, so I didn't last.

In recent years, Democrats have suggested that one way to address our nations educational crisis is with "free" community colleges. By free, they obviously mean expensive, but taxpayer subsidized. This proposal has a lot of problems including the implications on the flawed and inequitable concept of credentialism. It's a middle finger to absolutely anyone who puts the value of an education above the value of a piece of paper. Let's also keep in mind the more-of-the same solutions have failed every time we have tried them.

If subsidizing community colleges is ineffective, why are the Democrats interested in this idea? There might be a simple explanation for this. Community colleges are government-controlled institutions much like our high schools. In other words, Democrats want two more year to control and restrict education. This is a concept that is completely incompatible with educational rights.

I openly support educational rights. That's why I must openly oppose the Democrats' attempts to increase their power to control and restrict education. If we truly care about education, we need to move in the opposite direction. We must stop slamming doors shut on those who learn outside of a controlled and restrictive environment.

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