Thursday, November 3, 2022

He Makes Learning Fun™

My idiut blogmate had given me permission to defend the kinds of teacher brilliunce that teachers love to repeat over and over and over. As I have already explained, these are not clichés. They are copy-and-paste saying that become wittier every single time that we mindlessly parrot them. That's why I want to take the time to defend these non-clichés in a manner that shouldn't make you sick of hearing them over and over and over similar to how we sound to my blogmate who is sick of hearing them over and over and over. I'm not kidding. He is legitimately sick of hearing these non-clichés over and over and over.

Today's witty copy-and-paste parroted non-cliché: He Makes Learning Fun™

As teachers, We Make Learning Fun™. Making Learning Fun™ is characteristic of good teachers. This is why we love hearing students tell us that We Make Learning Fun™

When it came to my favorite teacher, He Made Learning Fun™. As for my best friend's teacher, She Made Learning Fun™. As for one of my colleague's favorite teacher, They Made Learning Fun™. What do my students say? It Makes Learning Fun™

We are not just good teachers because We Make Learning Fun™. We also end up with students who come up with original thoughts such as, He Makes Learning Fun™. Seriously, if we didn't do a great job, why did so many students have such original thoughts as, He Makes Learning Fun™?

Before my blogmate comes after me, failing in an entertaining way is not failing. As long as We Make Learning Fun™, that automatically guarantees that our students are learning in the best manner possible. In fact, I just had my smartest student ever come up with the most well thought out defense I have ever received. He said, "It Makes Learning Fun™.”

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