Monday, June 15, 2020

Stereotypical Student: Testing IX

This intentionally corny series of posts makes fun of the schools by providing an obviously fictional diary of a student who fits many stereotypes.

Entry #39

Not surprisingly, our class took a test today. This test was for our English class. We all read the same book and were asked to show our skills in reading comprehension. Overall I did well, but I have to admit to making a few mistakes. For example, we had one question that asked, "In your opinion, how good was this book?" I responded that it was great, but my teacher called it one of the best of all time. When I was given back my test to review, I had no problems admitting to my mistake. Our teacher told us that this was one of the best when she asked us to read it.

Usually, I have done well with this line of questioning. My opinions are almost always what my teachers tell me they are. On the rare occasion that I have been wrong, I have had no trouble altering my views to match those of my teachers. If we have to retake this test, I will have no problems having the right opinion.

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