Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Misconception #91: Emotional abuse isn't real

There are a lot of individuals on the liberal side of the political spectrum who want to believe that they are enlightened. They hear an emerging concept and try to back it before they take any time to think. They become champions of causes that they don't understand.

Emotional abuse is a good example of this. A number of people have heard about emotional abuse and have fought everything that they can tie to the concept. They started fighting everything that provides a risk of hurt feelings. For example, a lot of individuals hate sports because there are winners and losers. They want to shelter children from losing. They want to shelter children from emotions. Never mind that emotions are part of humanity.

When people on the conservative side of the spectrum hear these arguments, they tend to embrace the opposite extreme. Emotional abuse can't be real. The conservatives are wrong. Just because the liberal portrayal is absolute nonsense, that doesn't mean that real emotional abuse doesn't exist.

You can have cuts, scrapes, and bruises without ever being physically abused. Similarly, you can encounter negative emotions without ever being emotionally abused. If you force negative emotions on a child repeatedly just to get them to do what you want, you have clearly crossed a line.

Teachers frequently threaten the futures of their students. They insist that if a child doesn't do each specific homework assignment in the manner demanded of them, they will not be able to graduate. If they don't graduate, they have no hope in life. They push frustration, anxiety, and even anger to control their students. This is an unhealthy concept that can have serious lasting consequences well into adulthood. It clearly qualifies as a form of emotional abuse, and it needs to stop.

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