Thursday, September 27, 2018

Stereotypical Student: How I learn VIII

This intentionally corny series of posts makes fun of the schools by providing an obviously fictional diary of a student who fits many stereotypes.

Entry #24

I have all sorts of interests. I like curling, Punjabi, barbecuing, model building, interactive story writing, puzzle making, and much more. Unfortunately, none of these subjects are offered in school. Instead, we have been focusing on STEM (or STEAM if you want to include art).

Instead of learning what I want to learn, I have been asked to pursue what my teachers value. Why not? We all know that every job that will exist will rely on science, technology, engineering, and math. What better way is there to ensure quality jobs when we grow up than to downplay the value of any skill outside of these subjects?

One of my favorite things about the push for STEM is that we can seriously develop a love of these subjects. By learning based off of rigid demands rather than our passions, more people are going to enjoy learning. More importantly, by associating important subjects with the rigid and forceful approach taken by our schools, people are going to be more interested in pursuing these particular subjects. More interest means these jobs will be easier to fill.

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