Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Sympathy and school shootings

School shootings are undeniably horrible events. You will not hear me defending such actions. You might, however, find me somewhat sympathetic to what these shooters have gone through.

Schooling is a mentally unhealthy process. If you want proof, just look at suicide statistics. During my time in these prisons, my teachers brought out the absolute worst in me. On multiple occasions, I caught myself instinctively breathing heavily as a coping mechanism. I have even insisted that the fact that I never punched a teacher in the face could be viewed as proof that I had developed incredible self-control.

What if  students with less self-control were the same way that I was treated? All it takes is one unstable individual. I don't think that it's mere coincidence that most school shootings come from individuals with personal ties to the schools being targeted.

Again, I will not defend school shootings. I do not want these events to occur. Unfortunately, it's a little too easy to understand how they can happen. The same things happened to me. In my case, I never quite reached the point of harming others.

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