Monday, February 27, 2017

Misconception #69: If teachers aren't worshiped by the media, then the media wants them to look bad

Something might be apparent with how I handle these posts. I write down ideas as they come to me. Eventually, I get around to actually writing. That's going to cause some problems while I explain this misconception.

When Tacoma teachers went on their illegal strike, it was predictably a big story in the South Sound area. There were numerous articles written about it. This is where I am struggling. I did not remember to take notes about specific stories relevant to this post. I am going to have to keep this somewhat abstract since I have no examples to share.

What I do remember is that the media didn't always stick strictly with the teachers' point of view. Most articles posted online allow commenting, and people were quick to complain every time they dared to post anything that wasn't in line with what teachers believe.

Overall, the media is loyal to the teaching profession. That's a big part of why I am struggling to find examples of articles that have received this kind of criticism. There may have been a few while the teachers were striking, but I haven't found anything in recent years. Perhaps the commenting is working. The media right now seems too afraid to write anything that would indicate that they do not blindly worship teachers.

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