Sunday, May 29, 2016

If the schools don't work, change the children

Be warned. I am going to bring up Attention Deficit Disorder again.

Many children get bored in school. This is primarily due to the struggles a child has with the mental restrictions imposed by our schools. It has become a common practice to blame the child for this problem and label them as disabled. In many cases, children are chemically altered to become more in line with who the schools want them to be.

This is not just an issue with ADD. It has become a common practice for the schools to blame students for their own shortcomings. When a child does not fit the schools' rigid mold, the schools try to get that child to change. Teachers have no responsibility to adjust to the needs of students, but students are expected to adjust to the demands of their teachers.

I believe in the right to individuality. It is wrong to force a child to conform to the schools' strict standards. The schools obviously disagree with me. They believe that they are the center of the universe and that all people must adjust to every one of their whims.

Our schooling system is an absolute nightmare. Instead of addressing the numerous problems with the process, we are attacking their victims. We insist that the children must change so the schools don't have to.

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