Thursday, February 5, 2015


When I was in school, I used to get into trouble for thinking and learning in class. We have reached a point where we are expected to sacrifice education in favor of schooling. There is no question that the schooling system that I observed relies heavily on telling children, "Don't learn."

Schooling is a very discouraging process. If you do anything that can interfere with schoolwork, including the mental development that should occur during that point in your life, teachers will turn against you.

We are born with a natural desire to learn. We are curious and want to understand how things work. The schools destroy this. Curiosity and a desire to learn (essentially the same thing) go against everything that the teaching profession stands for.

In addition to crushing our desire to learn, the schools destroy dreams. They tell us what we can and can't do. What they will let you do, they will tell you to do their way. Anything that makes you special contradicts the schooling concept. Unless your dream is to become a mindless conformist, the schools will lead you to a very disappointing life.

Whether you want to pursue your potential or just want to learn, the schools will provide you with heavy discouragement. This is not just an obstacle to quality of life, but this is a legitimate mental health concern. When you grow up being told that it's wrong pursue anything worthwhile, you can become hesitant to live a life that you can enjoy or even tolerate. It is absolutely inexcusable that we are telling children not to learn and not to live.

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