Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Misconception #40: The teachers job is to teach, not raise children

Over the years, I have been writing about misconceptions regarding the schooling process. The purpose of these posts is to explain why I disagree with various comments that I have heard people make about schooling. These are meant as personal thoughts rather than conclusive proof, and I will admit that I'm not always the best at explaining my thoughts. Regardless, I have decided that I should be willing to share these posts when I encounter someone online who makes an argument that I have already discussed.

Imagine for a moment that a doctor refused to do his job because he felt that he was too busy dealing with sick people. To me, it seems like a ridiculous excuse. I feel roughly the same when teachers complain that they have to raise other people's children.

One of the reasons that we have schools is so the government can take over the duties of raising children. By taking over this task, they can better control the country. In many ways, teachers are pawns. It is their job to raise children that the government has seized from their parents.

If teachers would stop taking everything for granted and look at what they are doing, they would see that raising children is a legitimate part of their job duties. They should never complain that they can't do their work because their job duties are in their way.

What's worse is that these teachers insist that their job is to teach. Wrong again. Teachers were never supposed to actually teach. Their job is to force a strict curriculum filled with propaganda to mold individuals so that everyone ultimately fits a role while training children to do whatever they are told.

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