Sunday, August 25, 2013


There are a lot of stories out there right now about bullying in school. Unfortunately, most of these stories give a pass to the biggest bullies around, the teachers.

As I have stated before, teachers are emotionally abusive. They rely heavily on the idea that if you don’t live your childhoods for them, it will destroy your entire future. The belittle their students and show a ton of disrespect. There is a lot of lasting harm that lingers into adulthood.

I don’t want to let violent students off the hook, but I get sick of the media promoting the idea that teachers can do no harm and dismiss all of the problems that teachers are causing. While most stories involve students who are clearly out of line, teachers frequently cause underlying harm that contributes to a child’s problems. In some cases, they even instigate violent altercations.

We need to stop assuming that all wrongdoing in aggressive disputes between teachers and students must be 100% the fault of the student. Even in disputes between students, teachers can play a significant role. Some students mistreated me during my school years, but I wouldn’t call them bullies. That title belongs to every single teacher I have ever had.

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