Saturday, December 29, 2012


What do you think of when you think of brainwashing? More than likely, you think of movies and TV shows that lock adults into rooms for hours or even days where they are indoctrinated with questionable or harmful ideas that can alter their thoughts and/or behavior. Imagine switching over to children of impressionable ages and expanding the indoctrination to over a decade. Does that qualify as brainwashing? I think it does.

Obviously, I’m talking about our schools. There is no question in my mind that schooling qualifies as a form of brainwashing. In fact, I can’t think of a way to define brainwashing in a way that schooling would not qualify.

Schooling is unethical and unhealthy. We think that what they are doing is vital to society because they have indoctrinated us to believe it. We even view their value as common sense. I can assure you, common sense is not the schools’ friend.

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