Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Schooling is detrimental to educational rights.

Those who want to learn should be allowed to do so with as little restriction as possible. In December, I added this sentence to my list of defining beliefs. What is this sentence? It is a short summary of my educational beliefs.

This sentence not only reflects my educational beliefs, but I feel that it does a good job of explaining what I view as educational rights. The problem is that schooling is restrictive by nature. The process controls what children are allowed to learn and when. If children want to learn beyond what the schools offer, they will be discouraged and perhaps even disciplined. After all, independent learning can distract students and get in the way of schoolwork.

Emotional abuse has become common in the modern world, with the schools being especially problematic. We demand that children hand over their educational rights or they will lose any hope for the future. This is a demand that absolutely terrifies me.

I view true education as more than a right. True education is a need. Until we eliminate the schooling process, children have will not have any rights to a healthy education. Ever since we decided to force children to attend, we have taken away their right to fill a need.

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