Tuesday, September 27, 2011

No responsibility

During the teachers strike in Tacoma, the Tacoma “Education” Association argued that defying a court was their way of standing up to bullies. While this was a complete 180 from the “tell a trusted adult” approach that teachers push on children, I honestly thought that it was just a way to justify what they knew was wrong. The bottom line is that the judge ordered them back to work and they refused to take responsibility for their actions. That is definitely NOT a good lesson for children.

The Tacoma School District previously stated that they could not pay teachers for time that they did not work. The TEA immediately fired back, insisting that the district was only holding back pay in order to retaliate against the striking teachers. The district contacted the Auditor’s Office to get some clarification on whether or not they could legally pay their teachers in full. There were a few conditions that they met, so these teachers will now get paid on their normal schedules.

At least the judge who ordered everybody back to work can still punish teachers who were in contempt, right? Supposedly, that judge has dismissed court actions against the lawbreakers. Apparently, teaching is a special job. You don’t have to obey any of the rules, you will get whatever you want, and you never have to take responsibility for you wrongdoings. Not only that, but you can show impressionable children how that throwing tantrums has no repercussions.

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